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AristonAQ Ltd

Biomedical Solutions

AristonAQ is a UK-based company that provides solutions in the field of electrophysiological monitoring.

Services & Solutions

Our Services

Our design team is based in London, UK. We offer a full range of design services, including hardware, software and prototyping covering the electrophysiological recording needs. Experienced in biosensor and physical sensor interfacing. 

Project Management
& Support

Our team offer their expertise in determining project architecture and its translation into development, management and support throughout the project cycle. 

Research & Development

The design team behind AristonAQ benefits from a cumulative research and design experience of 30 years within an academic setting. The team has been ensuring the consistent delivery of high-performance, novel technology for the medical scene and the research lab. 

Custom Built Products

Our team of UK based design engineers are experienced in developing customer ideas from the concept stage through to specifications, prototyping and, ultimately, full scale production.

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