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Meet our team

Emmanuel Drakakis
Director and Founder
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Emmanuel (Manos) leads AristonAQ and holds an academic position (Professor) in the higher education sector. He has over 20 years of experience in the field of innovative Bio-Circuits and Systems, specialising in high-performance bio-instrumentation for medical and biological applications.

Georgios Zafeiropoulos
CTO and Co-founder
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Georgios joined AristonAQ, after completing his PhD under Manos' supervision. Georgios holds two BEng degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. One MSc in Biomedical Engineering and an MRes in Neurotechnology. His PhD work focused on high-performance hardware and software for the electrophysiological monitoring of neonates. He is an experienced professional specialising in mixed-mode design (analog and digital), signal processing and machine learning.

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